Over five years ago I qualified as a singing teacher aged 18 and a half. I have only ever taught 3 lessons. Not because I am bad its just well I decided to concentrate on my degree and then god called me elsewhere. This week I have become angry at God because he is pushing my perseverance to levels I could not have imagined 6 months ago. This week I was angry because I need a job and God is STILL making me wait and I am petrified I am going to end up homeless which my friends assure me won't happen but its still the case that I cannot move to my parents because of family issues. (If you can call your parent(s) house home then you are very much blessed in my book.) so yer there is no other way of putting it in a month's time if I don't have a job then I will be homeless.
So that is where I was at on Sunday I was very low and angry. I really struggled to get through church and I did even worse at the evening service all anyone could ask me was what next and I hate saying I don't know because it hurts. I ended up telling someone how I felt and she tried to tell me what is to follow but I just couldn't hear it because well I was so hurt all my body and mind could do was block everyone out. I got home and I was like God why do you have to leave everything to the very last minute why can't you just sort it out for once can't I just have a little security can't I just have one smidgen of something. Monday it was also pretty heavy on my heart till I was like you know what God I can't be doing with this you have the whole thing I am not going to think about any more jobs this week I am going to take a week off from applications and scouring the interweb for things to get rejected from. I had had one of my diploma pieces in my head all day ' lascia chio pianga' (Probably spelt wrong) and it hit me square in the face.
No singing teacher worth the money you pay will give you an easy piece to sing - they will push you and stretch you to coax out your potential. They won't dwell on the easy parts but give you strategies to sing the hard parts the bits which you don't take to naturally. They will encourage and support you whilst still engaging you to practise. But no matter what they do how good they are no one can sing it for you. No one can practise the movements and intervals that tricky rhythm or style for you - you have to practise the hard bits, do your exercises and breathe through your nose and out your mouth. For every one time you sing it wrong you will need to sing it five times right to overwrite that. No two good singers sing the same piece the same way. A good singing teacher knows what you can do and what you can't your range and your ability what songs will suit your voice and resonance.
If the piece is a real challenge there will be days when you think that it will never happen your voice cannot do that. Or you are so sick of the song you will wish that the composer or lyricist had been sick that day and put in easier rhythm and notes. But with every day the notes will blossom the words will be remembered the consonant and vowel sounds will come together, you will be able to sing the whole phrase in one breath, that tricky bit you will nail every time.
Then the concert will come or the exam and you won't just know the piece, somehow your heart and soul will kiss in the sound you make. Your practice, gift and perseverance will flow from you and create a little touch of magic and you will fly and everyone who hears it can't help but listen.
I've had those moments in concert and exams where you could feel the magic my Grade five singing exam the examiner cried( I sung On my own - les mis) and I got 100%. Concerts where when I sang you could feel the silent mesmerised nature of the audience even through all the nerves. I am not saying this to big up the fact I am a brilliant singer because I am not a brilliant singer. It is a Gift from God its not totally mine. It always sounds so much better when I sing to him. But anyway that is kind of irrelevant. The only remaining relevant thing to point out is that a good singing teacher would have the next tricky piece for you on the Monday/ next lesson following your exam/ concert. Because its not about the exam its about the growth.