Tuesday, 16 April 2013

The great Obstacles and Enlightenments found in the 62nd psalm.

I have a bit of a creative block going on at the moment I am stuck on one passage of scripture  and none of the rest of it seems to be inspiring me and I don't know how I can creatively express the passage it is only just about making sense and meaning to me  no matter how much of the bible i read I am drawn back to it

So because it is what I just can't get beyond I figured rather than wait for something else I will give you what four months of meditating on a passage has revealed

Wait calmly for God alone, my soul,
    because my hope comes from him.
He alone is my rock and my saviour—my stronghold.
    I cannot be shaken.
My salvation and my glory depend on God.
    God is the rock of my strength, my refuge.
Trust him at all times, you people.
    Pour out your hearts in his presence.
    God is our refuge. 

God, the one and only— I’ll wait as long as he says. Everything I hope for comes from him, so why not? (MSG) Psalm 62:5

Waiting. I hate waiting It sucks in case you didn't notice, I am not a  naturally patient person. I often feel in God's waiting room and it isn't a doctors/ dentist waiting room its a hospital waiting room. For those of you lucky enough not to know the difference of this I shall briefly explain. Most Doctors/dentists give you an appointment and you may wait up to half an hour  at the most beyond your appointment time. A Hospital waiting room you should take a book and some knitting and  yep you will be lucky when your seen and you just don't know what time person the Doctor is seeing or who is before/after you. I am fortunate enough to say that there has only been one time I have had a hospital appointment was to do with a mole on my arm and I waited two hours which is not bad- apparently because if there is an emergency elsewhere in the hospital or for the previous person all bets are off.

Waiting on God feels like a hospital appointment you know that its coming at some point this lifetime but when or how long your waiting is a mystery, its not like a roller coaster when you know your getting close to the front  you just have no idea who around you will be called next there is no discernible queue or reference. It is very lonely and isolating waiting in a hospital waiting room. I think that its not good for us to think this way. Waiting on God is not a hospital waiting room because see he is waiting with us so we not alone. Its not about the thing we are waiting for its about knowing that in waiting we are growing that we know we can trust an unknown future to a known God (Corrie Ten Boom) (see 2 Peter 3:9 for more on waiting)

God is worth waiting on. because he has everything that is worth hoping for I'd rather wait on his best than my paltry understanding.

He’s solid rock under my feet, breathing room for my soul, An impregnable castle: I’m set for life. (MSG) Psalm 62:6

its always good to be reminded just who God is that we can hope in that we can be ourselves with him to.

My salvation and my glory depend on God. God is the rock of my strength, my refuge (GW) Psalm 62:7

This is the big one. This is the passage that really sticks in my head because it is about glory and glory is a touchy subject for our generation. We grew up in a time of celebrity this means that for many people my age being Glorified is aspirational. Being glorified by our peers is what most people desire more than everything else if it matters more how you are percieved than who you are doing it for then you are proabably guilt of this. I am guilty of this we are addicted to glory and approval we want to be the best.

Unless your glory depends on how God views you, you are in a sticky mess. Only God saves he is the strength not us he is the refuge not earthly rubbish.  Its taken me a long time to process this passage because if my glory is dependent on God not my own strength then I only need to seek approval from him.

So trust him absolutely, people; lay your lives on the line for him. God is a safe place to be. (MSG) Psalm 62:8

The safest place to be in the entire universe is at the centre of God's will and plan for your life. Pour out your heart to him for when you walk with him nothing is second best, he is someone to have a relationship with always. I would do anything for God  totally surrendered to his will and who he is; but for my own ego. Its hard to be surrendered totally because I am so used to being selfish and giving up the best portions of life to him is counter cultural (over here in the west) I guess it comes with time and practise. But we have to keep trying right?!

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