Wednesday, 1 July 2015

House rules.

How is tolerance tolerance if someone who opposes your view is met with hate? Tolerance cuts both ways. Who are you to judge what will or won't affect someone? Because if Love truly wins then it should cast out fear after all there is no fear in Love - true love but I find myself afraid to comment even though I know I should that not doing so is passive. The problem is I have had mixed feelings on this issue from the beginning and any time I get any kind of conviction I am challenged from all sides. The truth is that love is not about being right nor is it about forcing your opinions on others. Love is among many other things about consent - you cannot have true love without consent.

Love is about the truth and the truth is that God loves you for who you are whatever your baggage and stuff he longs desperately for relationship, he longs for you to turn to him and follow his ways. It is not up to me to judge if you don't live inside his Lordship - if you have no relationship with Jesus, know he wants you to but ultimately you don't live under his rules. If you live in relationship with him then well you should know that the law is not there to change your life but it is there to see what pleases God and brings him joy. After all the law is a sign that you are convicted by the truth of his love for you and that you have made him the lord of your life because those you love you want to please. If you give consent to his Lordship that is your choice.

Don't sear your conscience either way. Choose life, it is the truth that God made and designed people and he loves them beyond any earthly partner. There are good choices for spouses and bad choices even the atheists will tell you that, wise and unwise whichever sex the spouse. The truth is if you are under Christ's Lordship then he should get a say in that process. If you want to get married in a church in front of God then he should get a say in that process, what happens in his house should be according to His rules. They are not bigoted because he allows all opinions - he gave all free will after all to think what they want its just his house has rules. Some houses you take your shoes off and some you can't talk about Obama or the war or smoke or whatever. You come under the dominion of the owner you respect their rules whether trivial or otherwise. it is not loving to break their rules, its very rude so why would God be any different.

Is this a travesty for America? I don't know the answer I am not an American, I know many who say that the supreme court has no right to make that decision on the behalf of the states. I know that it is a travesty that some pastors will be forced to act against their convictions or face court proceedings. I know that it is a travesty that people are persecuting others in the supposed name of Love. It is a travesty that the people who are pointing fingers and accusing people of bigotry and intolerance are in fact being bigoted and intolerant by doing so.

  1. having or revealing an obstinate belief in the superiority of one's own opinions and a prejudiced intolerance of the opinions of others.

not tolerant of views, beliefs, or behaviour that differ from one's own.

Take a look at yourself have you decided that your opinion is superior and are being intolerant of opinions of others even if you think their view as backward and outdated. The truth is if you honestly believe that truth is relative and that people can have whatever opinion they want then you should not throw stones at other people's opinions. I am not doing that, because that isn't loving I am not throwing any stones.. You can believe that you have every right to marry a horse... ah no you don't believe that do you.... or a child??? you definitely don't believe that child marriage is OK. So there are some things that are not OK? quite right there I too believe that neither of those things are OK. But perhaps it might not be therefore so far-fetched that someone might not define those boundaries the way you do. Where are you getting your definition from? the Law? well that has been changed many many times! people were marrying even before the bible was written. Many cultures define marriage differently even within the bible. However for me the definition of marriage comes from Jesus, so when or if I get married it will be in that context because I have made the commitment for God to be Lord of my life. For me marrying a woman would not be marriage because I am under that context of commitment to Christ as Lord. But if you haven't made that commitment, why should it matter because after all you are already grieving the heart of God from not accepting his love, not accepting his definition of marriage is probably way down on the list of things that hurt him.

For me the law change in my homeland ( 4 years ago) and here in the US perhaps makes little difference because the laws of both nations permit things that are contrary to the law of God, Abortion is one big one. All I know is that it is time for the Church not to point fingers and get all uppity but it is the time for the church to pray and to love like never before to show the heart of God to people where they are at not to throw stones and point fingers because the truth is the Laws of the land we live in are not the laws of the Bible.

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