Sunday, 26 October 2014

Its time to raise your colours.

 Brothers and sisters in Christ we are at War.

I have talked about spiritual warfare before ( all's fair ) but like most things as I grow closer to understanding more about Jesus I have learned more about the truth of it. We are deeply intrenched in spiritual warfare. 

I should point out that it is the difference between the landing at D-day when the allied troops fought the decisive battle of WW2 and won on the beaches of normandy and the VE day when hitler was finally defeated. The cross was the decisive battle in this war. Jesus made the breakthrough that meant that we have won the war but  the VE Day- victory on Earth day- has not come so we are fighting as the kingdom of God advances to wipe out the kingdom of this world and its darkness. 

I am not someone who fixates on the end times. I mean I have read revelation and I have read the bible but I haven't really made any effort to really take a note of it all. C.S Lewis said that there are two equal and opposite mistakes to make when it comes to the devil one is to fixate on him and give him more attention than he is due and the other is to totally discount him as a fictional part of the imagination of men. Both he delights in. Here is the truth in perspective to God tall mighty and strong  the devil is merely a mosquito by comparison but we need to know his strategy so we may prepare ourselves to fight against him. 

In medieval times we would have a standard barer to show the colours and the standard of the two countries/armies fighting each other. England is the Lion. We have our own lion on our standard - the lion of Judah and the lamb who was slain. I therefore encourage you brothers and sisters to raise your colours and your standards. Passivity is a sin. We do not have a passive God - if you haven't experienced the warfare you are doing something wrong. We are not called to a life of comfort. Jesus told us we would have trouble. We are called to be content and to take every thought captive. 

Here are some notes for the beginners of understanding spiritual warfare.

If you didn't know it your mind is not your own - When in Matthew 4 Jesus is tempted in the desert the enemy uses his imagination and his mind to trick him. There is no reason to think that your thoughts are always entirely your own. Some are yours, some are from God some are your conscience, some are the enemy and some are people around you. if you can't pinpoint a thought Go to an unexplained negative feeling then backtrack to the thought that produced it. Take those thoughts captive!

Declare over yourself truth. - this is important the enemy loves it when we are uncertain as he is the father of lies. he likes to give you a half truth ' if you really are the son of God.'...'did not god say you could eat of any of the fruit...' The enemy will twist things. If you speak truth (scripture and God's character) over the situation he will flee. 

Repent - for the kingdom of heaven is close at hand. The enemy has nothing on true repentance- turning your life in the opposite direction and following Christ. The kingdom of heaven is here we live in the overlap of this present evil age and the kingdom of Heaven which is to come. 

you are not fighting flesh and blood but powers and principalities ( Ephesians 6) people may be evil but they are children of God who haven't accepted his adoption. There are no spiritual foster children to God you are either accepting of the fact that you are adopted into his family or you are not and are spiritually orphaning yourself. To come into his house you have to take his name and live by his rules as he lavishes his love on you. you can't just live in his house but remain a slave to your sin. His house is one of family and home its not a half way house its home. 

You have all authority in Christ Jesus. In the gospels he tells you that you have it. Honestly (this isn't in the bible) but I think we have ranks when it comes to fighting the enemy. By that I mean that as we grow in experience and closer to him he gives us a better understanding of our authority and power so we move up and for some people he has given more jurisdiction in different places. It is to do with which gifts ( it says in 1 Corinthians 12 all those who are baptised of the spirit have gifts) he has given us and the confidence and experience we have more than anything earned.  It should always be the case that if you are in over your head backup is needed we are a team and we fight together.

Remember Satan's end game is your destruction and death and the Lords is your prosperity and life. God is true and the truth of his character and love shines from his word ( that is always the measure of what is and isn't his voice) and Satan is the father of all lies. Therefore keep watch but raise your colours for your eternal king and his Kingdom.  

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