Monday, 25 February 2013

The green eyed monster with auburn curls.

 I have always wanted curly hair -auburn curly hair. 

I mean really really wanted hair that would naturally curl in any way shape or form. curly hair has always fascinated me mostly because I have never had it. If I curl my hair with tongues my hair it lasts all of 15 minutes as in by the time you have curled one side the other would have dropped within the hour its pretty much straight again but lanky.  There is only one way I can get my hair to curl for more than about 5 minutes that is to twist it up wet with mousse and sleep in it.

It sounds really petty and stupid but I have always wanted auburn curly hair. I am not someone who puts much stock in my appearance I don't wear make up or anything like that  because i firmly believe if I am going to spend money on how i look it is better spent in moisturiser and cleanser than foundation. Also it says in the bible God took time over making us in his image and making us beautiful (psalm 139)    It kind of feels like if I dyed my hair or had it permed then I would be throwing it in his face. Some people might say its where our free will comes in and with that I agree, that if you want to style what god has given you then why not that is where i sit on my body but clearly each to their own.

When I curl my hair in the twisty way I look like miss 1987. It doesn't look good and I wonder why I did it because it is uncomfortable to sleep in and because it looks bad 2-5 hours later lanky kinks are the order of the day. So why do I do it? because I am envious of people with beautiful curls because I want to have curls like Taylor swift not like Dedire from Corrie and because we always want what we can't have and when we have it we aren't satisfied with it that is human nature

I read an atricle this week about how facebook perpetuates envy  which was linked on facebook by a friend of mine

why checking facebook makes us feel bad about ourselves

We are so easily envious in our society. I find it very difficult not to be envious of people who have what I want in life not just auburn curls but more serious things like people who are engaged or have children. I am envious each time it comes up in the top corner Jane bloggs just got engaged or Joe bloggs is in a relationship...  Gemma Smith was born with pictures from her parents one of whom who I knew vaguely at school or university.

Envy is not a fruit of the spirit. It is sinful, because it tells god that we don't like how he has blessed us and we want to perpetuate the kingdom of me. its the siren call of the world look what you are missing out on it doesn't see how God has blessed us. Just that he isn't doing in the way he is others. Thing is we can't control God just know he is soverign and that he loves us, gratitude trumps Envy every time...

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